Police Radars

Since the 1970’s, MPH Industries has been a leading innovator in police radar technology. MPH is the fusion of four speed measurement equipment pioneers: MPH Industries, CMI(Speedgun®), Laser Atlanta (SpeedLaser®) and Vindicator®. The earliest police radar concepts developed by CMI and MPH, including dash mounted radars and handheld radar guns, have evolved into the most advanced speed enforcement products offered by us today.
Dash Mounted Radars
The BEE III directional radar system is one of the most widely used traffic radars in the world. It is compact, with the smallest display unit on the market, but features a large target speed display for high visibility. Its patented directional radar technology makes the police radar simple to use, and its anti-detection technology makes it the most effective speed enforcement tool.
Ranger® EZ
The Ranger EZ is only directional radar on the market that can measure distance along with speed and direction, allowing it to positively identify and prevent mistakes in target identification. Its rear traffic alert feature makes it the only device on the market that can protect officers during a traffic stop
Python® III
This police radar system is our most basic speed enforcement radar. The Python III is simple to operate and easy to learn, particularly for officers who have little to no experience operating radar systems.
Python® III FS
The Python III FS offers the added advantages of same direction moving mode and fastest vehicle mode. This speed radar system is also easy to learn and use, even for officers who have limited experience operating radar systems.
The Enforcer speed radar system features a large target speed display, which is 30% larger than the competition, in a compact package. The daytime display is also much brighter than that of the competition, for easy reading in full sun. The display dims for night use.